Weekly Update + 10 Piece Campaign Progress + Finding new Music

I’ve been telling myself for the entirety of second semester that I’ll start applying to jobs in March. I still don’t think my portfolio is entirely finished (it never will be “finished” but I would like it to have all of my completed work from school post-grad), but I still decided to put myself out there a little. I applied to Pride Neon and Paulsen, and I still haven’t heard back from either. I also applied not to long ago, so I’m expecting a super fast response from either place. I was thinking about applying to Carsforsale as well.

I took a break from working on my 10 Piece Campaign for a while when I was finalizing my Portfolio Campaign, and since that’s finished, I can shift my focus to my other projects again. I’m really excited to continue working on it, but I feel like I need to get myself back into “work mode” with the project because I haven’t done anything with it in a while.

In other news, I’ve been trying to discover local music for the past couple of weeks, and I have a lot of screenshots with bands I still need to listen to. Most of them are more metal-leaning, but there’s also some alternative rock and indie bands thrown in the mix as well. There’s a music festival happening in August that has a lot of Sioux Falls based bands on the lineup, so I was thinking of checking some of those bands out as well. There’s a show coming up in April with some of the bands I was interested in, but I’m debating whether I should go or not. I really want to get involved in the local alternative scene, but I’m really anxious because nobody I’m friends with likes the same music as me, and I know they wont want to go to any shows with me. Right now, this is the least of my worries, so I don’t think I should think about it that much, at least for right now.


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