I decided to enjoy my day off by being out of the house for 4 hours. I planned to go to two of my favorite thrift stores, go to Ulta afterwords, and later stop to get gas and groceries. Yesterday I was telling my coworkers how excited I was to go thrift shopping again since I haven’t been in a while.
I decided to go to Union Gospel Mission first. They usually have pretty good finds, and their prices are incredible (most clothing items are under $5). I don’t go there that often, though, because it’s a far drive, and it’s not located in a safe area (not so funny story, but when I was there today someone got threatened with a knife in the parking lot, and there were a whole bunch of cops outside when I was in line to checkout). I found some really good stuff there today, and had a safe trip back to my car after. It was a win for me!
After that, I went to Savers. They always have something good, but the store is gigantic, and all the good clothes are expensive. I am NOT spending ten whole dollars on a second hand shirt. I found a few good things, but got tired of looking since it was crowded and I was getting tired. I didn’t get as good of a thrift haul compared to my first stop, but I’m still very happy. Yet another win!
Ulta was my third stop of the day because I wanted to try fancy shampoo and conditioner. It was a very quick trip, but I also spend $50 on two haircare products. I really hope it’s worth it because it was quite the investment. My bank account took a massive hit over two days. I had to buy some other things online anyways, so I decided to get all my in person and online shopping done all in one go so I wouldn’t have to worry about it later.
After going to Ulta, I wanted to fill my gas tank back up. I looked on Upside (an app where you can get discounted gas and cash back) to find my usual gas station. I claimed my cash back offer and pulled up directions. I found out today that there are multiple Casey’s locations on Benson Road, and I went to the wrong one. I ended up going on 229 and going on a super long route to get to this gas station. I already claimed the offer and was on the interstate so there wasn’t a lot I could do from that point.
Once I got my gas I needed to go to Aldi, which was another freakishly long drive. All the driving I did today was pretty fun, though, because I got to see some new and unseen areas in Sioux Falls. Nothing too interesting happened on my grocery trip except for finding my favorite grapes in stock.
I also finally signed up for HBO Max after thinking about it for months. I was able to get the original monthly subscription price for half off because of a student discount app I signed up for last year. I’m only paying $4 a month so I’d say it’s a steal (even though I still have to watch my shows with ads).
My work schedule was a little different this week, so I had to do everything I could today because it’s the last day I have off for a while. I’m exhausted now, though.