All of my previous orders shipped by USPS have arrived on time, so when my package was marked as delivered but nowhere to be found, it was obviously a little bit concerning. My package was delivered, but where was it?
I checked my PO box and the area around it, but it wasn’t there. My roommate and I checked all possible entrances, and still nothing. We even checked the other side of the apartments at their P.O. boxes, and STILL nothing. We even looked at the security footage. Nobody was at the apartment at the time when my package was supposedly delivered (which was 12:47 PM). Later that day, I decided to go on an adventure to the USPS distribution center.
At the center, my package was nowhere to be found, but I received a friendly suggestion to go to the post office downtown where they sent the package to. All of the packages from the 57107 get sent from the distribution center to downtown, so my package could possibly there. I took another 15 minute drive across town and reached my destination.
Once I made it to the post office, they were about to close, so there wasn’t anything they could to to help. All I could to was wait until the next morning and come back and pay for parking for a second time.
As soon as I woke up the next morning, I got ready and went back to the post office, and I was told my package was delivered to the wrong spot. The most I could do was wait until a different driver could go and retrieve my package. On my way home I was left a voicemail from the post office saying that the driver on route today would retrieve my missing package and deliver it to the right location.
Later that day, my package was delivered! Going on a wild goose chase was worth it! I wouldn’t normally complain about bad luck two times in a row on my blog posts, but this was the most interesting thing that happened to me all week. Hopefully next week goes a little smoother.