Tag: food

  • Taking Pumpkin to the Vet

    Sunday evening at around 6:30, my cat threw up twice. I didn’t think much of it and went back to work. At 9:00 that same night, my roommate texted me that the threw up three more times since I left. My worried self left work early and rushed her to the emergency vet.

    In the waiting room, Pumpkin got to explore. She was on a leash and a harness, so she could really only go anywhere within three feet of me. All of the staff that met Pumpkin loved her and said she was very pretty. I was very proud of her for being so well behaved.

    When we took her to the room, she was weighted, and the vet tech poked around at her stomach to feel and see if there was anything odd. There wasn’t. Pumpkin’s also had some behavior concerns, so I brought those up, too.

    After an hour, I walked out with my bill, and two packets, one about cat vomiting and the other about litter box behavior. There wasn’t anything wrong with her. Since her problems were behavioral, I was left to figure out the rest by myself. I ordered her another litter box, and more toys to play with so she doesn’t get anxious when nobody’s at the apartment.

    I spent $160 to find out there was nothing seriously wrong with her. Luckily, my mom helped me pay for it, but I was still a little upset with how much the vet visit cost.