Student day was a couple days ago, and Angel and I carpooled together. There was a ton of people, and I felt really overwhelmed at first. I was in line waiting to sign in and get my name tag, and I felt like I was getting squished by 10+ people on all sides of me. It was nice to see people from different schools, though. It was nice being somewhere with people who had the same ambitions I did!
I had my portfolio review almost directly after the introduction, and I was pretty nervous. After a few minutes I realized that I had nothing to worry about! Wyatt was very nice and he gave me very good feedback on my portfolio, and I got some help on improving my resume as well.
My review took up the first panel discussion, so I only got to go to the second. It was very interesting hearing how everyone got to where they are now in the industry, and I got a lot of good advice from all of them! I got a lot of good takeaways from everyone.
I was a little bit intimidated by roundtable speed networking, but I was less scared since there were other classmates at the same table I was at. It was nice talking one-on-one to industry professionals and hearing about what type of work they do. There’s so much variety in the creative field and there’s something for everyone! I’m glad I ended up going!