My Animal Crossing Flower Guide

Since I’ve been working more this summer, I haven’t had as much time to mess around in my software. When I went home last week, I started making a poster, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t have a plan sketched out at all, and a lot of my time in the software was spent finding the right placements for everything.

I wanted to keep all the information I needed on one page, but there was still a few things I had to leave out to save space. For the Special Flowers section, I wanted to add photos, but there wouldn’t be a way to add them without having my text fit on the page.

My biggest issue was figuring out what I wanted my margins to be. I had them at half an inch, but changed them to a quarter inch. Both bothered me because I felt like something was missing from the design. I added the boarder for decorative reasons, but I feel like it gives the design a good box to fit into. It doesn’t look like it’s floating in empty space anymore.

Hopefully I stick to making a project every week or two so I don’t lose any of my software skills. I already have an idea on what I wanna make next!