Last weekend while I was doing laundry, I ran into one of my friends and asked him to hang out while we waited for our laundry to finish. Him and I were walking outside, and we noticed a little red dot moving around outside and shining at us. We looked up and noticed someone shining a laser pointer out of their window. We thought for a bit on what we should do, and we eventually decided to creepily stand outside the window and stare at them for a bit.
After a few minutes of doing that, we decided to go knock on their apartment door. The first few times we knocked there was no answer. We heard people rustling around inside, so we knew that they knew we were outside. My friend and I decided to go back outside their window to see if they still had the laser shining outside.
After going back outside, we noticed the blinds and curtains moving at one of the bedroom windows. They were peeking at us. My friend and I thought it’d be funny if we went back to their door to creep them out a little bit. We knocked on their door and we started talking while waiting for an answer. While him and I were talking we heard voices inside. We eventually started talking to them through the door until they eventually let us in.
All the people at the apartment were very nice! My friends and I had a game night a couple of days ago and we invited them over to play with us and it was a lot of fun! Compared the small amount of people I talked to last year, this is definitely a refreshing change. Being semi-social is a lot more fun than hiding in my room all day.
On the topic of being social, there was a student housing pumpkin event that I went to and I had a lot of fun with it! I also took way too much halloween candy.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of my pumpkin, so all I can provide is the image of what I painted on it. We’re gonna leave it to the imagination in terms of image accuracy. I think my rendition of it is incredible. I have two more pumpkins sitting in my car (that are not stolen from student housing) that I still need to do stuff with. I don’t know if I want to carve or paint them. Once I get some people who are willing to do it with me I’ll definitely do one or the other!