Lots of Little Things in One Week

I didn’t feel like I did a whole lot this week, but laying everything out makes it feel like a lot. I had my first customer complaint to corporate, I made garlic bread, my mom bought me new shoes, I did my own eyelash extensions, I started an oil pastel drawing, and I read for almost 4 hours straight!

Getting a customer complaint is a very laughable story because the problem the customer was having wasn’t my fault. Our self checkout machines don’t always work the best, so he had to be moved to a new register, and while he was in line he was on the phone with corporate. While on the phone he asked me who our manager was. I said who he was and I walked away. He then shouted “No, I need his manager’s name” (referring to our regional manager’s name, which I didn’t know). I apologized, told him I didn’t know who their name, and I walked away. I later heard from one of my coworkers that the customer complained that I was rude, unhelpful, and I was bad at my job for not knowing who the regional manager was. I might’ve not handled the situation perfectly, but what else am I supposed to do if I’m getting yelled at in front of a whole bunch of customers and employees?

Speaking of work, my mom bought me tennis shoes for work so my feet wouldn’t hurt at bad! (I’m skipping over garlic bread because there isn’t a whole lot to talk about). I still had to buy insoles because my heels still hurt after standing for a while. Hopefully my feet get used to the insoles. The shoes are very lightweight and comfortable, but standing in one spot for a really long time is going to hurt my feet regardless of what shoes I’m wearing. I’m still very thankful that my mom bought me the shoes, so I will in fact be wearing them every time I’m scheduled to work.

Not a lot to mention about the eyelash extensions, but they do make my eyes itchy. Once my application skills get better it won’t be a problem, though. My oil pastel drawing has also been really fun! I had two days off in a row, and I started to get really bored. I haven’t touched my art supplies since making my mother’s day gift, but I thought I’d give it a try! It’s not finished yet, but I’m not too worried about the outcome of it. I’m really just adding stuff to it as I go along.

My long day of reading wasn’t me reading a book, but I was reading manga online so I’m still counting it. I recently finished watching one of my favorite animes, Haikyuu, and I decided to read the manga starting from where the movie left off (there’s an animated series and a movie that recently came out which is one of the main reasons I decided to rewatch the series in the first place). I started reading it yesterday, and I did a lot of reading today. I read from around 3:00 until 7:00. I hit a stopping point, so I had to take a quick break and do something else for a while. Once I finish this post, I’ll definitely finish the rest before I go to bed. Over spring break, I did the exact same thing with another anime I watched, Jujutsu Kaisen. I have a habit of getting fixated on a series, and I feel the need to consume as much of it as I can. Once I finish the manga I’m reading, there won’t be anything for a while, so I’ll just have to jump to a different anime.

I didn’t do any designing this week (mainly because of the adobe licensing issue…oops), but I was planning on making a food magazine cover for the garlic bread I made. I obviously just wasn’t able to do it because the software stopped me. In all seriousness, I hope that gets fixed. There’s always next week! Who knows, I might find a solution on my own!