Yesterday was my interview day, and it went very well! Brooke was very friendly, and I loved talking with her! I was introduced to her other coworkers as well, and everyone was very nice. It was less awkward that I thought it was going to be, which was good. I’ve been nervous about this interview since it was announced as something we needed for the magazine, and I’m glad I finally got it knocked out. Her answers to all my questions were very thorough, and I know I’ll get a good article out of it!
I got 4 out of the 6 places for the HDR assignment done on Thursday. It was a lot less awkward since I went with one of my classmates to take the photos. I still don’t know where I want to take the other 2 photos, but I have lots of time to decide! The only concern I’ve been having is that the underexposed photos don’t look much different than the original photo. All of the overexposed stops look different, but not the underexposed. Hopefully it’ll still work when I merge them together.
I also dyed my hair red yesterday! I know it’s not design related, but I still wanted to share it. I haven’t had an unnatural hair color in over two years, so I’m not used to it. I feel like I’m wearing a wig. I’m gonna give it a week and see how I feel about it afterwards. I have a plan B set in case I don’t like how the red looks anyways.
Hooray for me and my fantastic week!