Since today was my day off, I had four important things on my agenda: start my marketing homework, wash my hair, go to the library, and stretch my septum (sounds incredibly exciting…I know).
A little bit before classes were over, I got an amazon notification that my package shipped, which had my new septum jewelry in it. I’ve been slowly stretching my septum over the last few months, and it’s been really fun! The only downside to septum stretching is that it feels like getting it re pierced all over again every time I go up a gauge size. I went from a 12 gauge to a 10 gauge earlier this afternoon and it HURT! People online say that stretching your septum isn’t supposed to hurt, but the other half say that it hurts no matter what, so I’m not gonna freak out over it too much. If I wanna go up to an 8 gauge I’m definitely gonna wait longer in between stretches. People recommend to wait a few months in between sizes, and I waited a month and a half.

The size of the jewelry in this picture is the same gauge size as the jewelry I’m wearing right now.
I’ve also been wanting to get back into reading (I think I mentioned this in an earlier blog post as well), and I finally did some looking and found a book I wanted to check out. The mechanics in my brain started to work and I decided to pick out a classic. I decided to check out “Madame Bovary”. I looked up a brief summary, and I thought it was interesting. I’m setting a goal for myself to do at least a little bit of reading every night before bed while I’m drinking my tea (I totally sound like a grandma writing this. Maybe I secretly have an elderly woman as a ghostwriter haha). Back to what I was talking about, though, drinking tea before bed is very relaxing. Adding some reading into my night routine will be really good for me!
Let’s hope I actually read my book and enjoy it! I have until November 19 to finish it!