Yesterday night my friend and I went to Greyday (a rap concert with a whole bunch of artists). By the end of the night I had no voice, and a phone that was at 3% battery. My friend and I went to see one of the artists that played, but I enjoyed the other artists on the lineup as well. My friend and I had floor tickets, so everyone was jumping around and hitting each other, and it was really fun!
A lot of the videos I took were of the openers, and I didn’t have enough battery to take any photos/videos of the last artist (the one I came to the concert to see), so my friend had to take most of them and send them to me.
The concert started at around 6:30 and ended at 12:00-ish, so it makes sense that my phone was basically dead. On the car ride there, I was using my car charger and my phone was permanently stuck at 80% because my phone kept overheating and it wouldn’t charge.
The line to get merch afterward was super long, but it moved pretty fast. There was a whole bunch of people coming down on the escalators that had bench seating at the venue, so the main area was packed!
The concert was in Lincoln, so it was a three and a half hour drive there and back. The drive there was really fun, but the drive back was awful. I had such a hard time keeping my eyes open while driving. We stopped at a gas station on our way back to get gas and grab some water, but the inside was closed. We eventually found somewhere in Sioux City that was open. After that, we switched drivers so I could take a nap in the car.
Overall, I had a lot of fun and I hope I can go again next year if floor tickets aren’t crazy expensive!