This weekend I had to do something I normally don’t like to do, which is going outside. All jokes, obviously, but I’m not fond of doing things that might make me stand out in public. Over the past couple of days, I had to go way out of my comfort zone with my photography assignments.
The first assignment I got done was the implied motion assignment. I went to various areas around Sioux Falls, set my tripod up, and took pictures of cars. I got anxious pretty quickly so I had to move spots a few times to get enough photos

I took a good amount of my photos Thursday evening to knock them out, but I went out a little more on Saturday. It was a little more of a challenge because I didn’t have the tripod with me. I ended up pulling into a parking lot somewhere on S Louise Ave and I poked my head and camera out of my car window and took my photos that way.

The photograph a stranger assignment was the most intimidating to me. My first plan was to ask my recent roommate who just moved in, but she went home for the weekend after she moved her stuff in, so I didn’t see her too much. My next plan was to photograph one of my friend’s roommates who I didn’t know that well. Both plans were not followed, and instead, me and one of my friends started knocking on random people’s doors to hopefully get an answer. Luckily, one person answered!

I was still limited by my awkwardness, so some of my photos don’t have a lot of variety, but I’m still proud that I went out of my shell a little bit. Hooray for me!