Finally Getting my Interview Done

After nearly a month of trying to schedule my local interview, it finally happened. Today was my interview with Jane Taylor, the owner of Prairie Road Yarn.

I came and sat down with her a little bit after 9:00AM, which is when the shop opens. Her store had a cozy sit down area, which I really liked. The actual interviewing part was very nice, and I wasn’t anxious or awkward at all either. The interview went shorter than my industry interview, but I still think I got a lot of good information!

She started her yarn business as a retirement job, which I thought was really surprising! She also talked a lot about the”behind-the-scenes” parts about owning a business as well, such as bookkeeping, inventory, and social media managing. She started hosting knitting/crochet classes around the same time she started her business. She told me that as a yarn shop, it almost felt like a requirement to host classes. Hosting those classes was one of the best ways to build a clientele. Even now, most of the classes that are hosted there are beginner classes.

In addition to yarn and supplies, there were also things made by local vendors. These were items that were knitted and crocheted, as well as other items. This isn’t directly interview related, but I personally loved the yarn that she sold and how it was arranged in the stores. I’d go back there and shop just based on that alone!

Overall, the interview went great, and I’m glad I finally got it done and can get to writing the article!