CDs, Piercings, and Page Layouts

Last week was a fun, but busy, week! I got most of my work done when I was home for Thanksgiving on Thursday before coming home on Friday (I had a mandatory Black Friday shift).

When I was home, I asked my parents if I could get an eyebrow piercing (I know I’m an adult and can do it myself, but I still wanted to ask them what they thought of it first) and they said I could! After coming back to Sioux Falls Friday afternoon, I went and got my eyebrow pierced! It hurt more than I thought it would, and my eyebrow stung for a few hours afterword, but it’s mostly fine now. There’s a little bruising around the piercing, and the long bar they put in makes me look silly. After a few weeks I can get it switched to shorter jewelry after everything heals and the swelling goes down!

After my Black Friday shift, I drove down to Sioux City to visit someone and him and I went to this really cool store that had a ton of vintage trinkets. They also had a TON of CDs. I think I bought at least 10 of them, and a whole bunch of other stuff, too. I’ve been trying to listen to one or two new albums a day to see if I like them, and I’ve listened to two of them so far. I’ve listened to “Grateful” by DFL, and “Short Bus” by Filter.

That week was also spent doing a lot of Layout work for Tony’s class. I had my lead in spread due, and I started working on the spreads for the actual feature article.

The lead in spread is done, but I still have some work to do on the article. When I was working on it yesterday, I got a lot done! I’m looking forward to working on it more and seeing how it looks when it’s finished!