(I’m pretty sure I wrote my last post in September, too, but who cares!)
I’ve officially finished the first couple weeks of classes, and I feel like I’ve settled in! I feel a lot more like myself during the school year compared to in the summer. All I did this summer was work and rot in bed all day.
My hi key/low key assignment is going well so far! I took a few pictures on Thursday, and I’m planning on doing the rest of them today. I went to Michael’s and bought some more paper so I could make a 3D box to take some of my pictures in. I glued the two square pieces together and folded it in half, and I’m gonna have my larger piece of paper on the floor so I have a solid background on all sides. I want to take photos of a lot of objects with different angles.

I also bought some blank shirts to do some work on, too. I wanted to buy more black shirts, so I bought some in different sizes and I’m gonna crop them to the length I want.
Moving onto a more schoolwork-focused topic, I’m starting to enjoy my marketing class. The only reason I’m taking it is to get the necessary credits to graduate, but I feel like it’ll give me a small advantage once I start learning more about it.