I made the decision to re-work my resume after hearing from Tony about a job listing from Pride Neon. I emailed Mitch, and he told me to send my resume whenever I was able to. My old resume was made in Word, which made it harder to add pdf files of my design work. I remade my resume in InDesign mainly for that reason. I also think that as a designer, making a resume in InDesign can make you appear a little stronger as a designer compared to using a resume template from somewhere else. I also didn’t have any references on my old resume either. I also tried to apply some feedback I got from the resume review ad Ad Fest last semester. One of the main things I remember was to add more work to it. I added all of my pieces from my local rebrand project last year, and I added a few spreads and some ad samples from my magazine. I’m also thinking of adding some other miscellaneous projects, including some screenshots of my app prototype in Adobe XD.
I talked about my magazine in my previous post, and I’m finally done producing all three of my copies! Scoring and folding were definitely the most time consuming part of the process. I got the stapling and cutting done for each copy in no time! I still have to take a close look at all three of them and figure out which one looks the best, so I can have that one displayed at my portfolio show table. Speaking of, I’m really excited for the portfolio show! I’m still considering showing my custom CD case design, but I still need to get it printed before I do anything.
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