Producing my Magazine

In my Portfolio Production Lab, I worked on folding my magazine copies and putting them together. Folding them felt really intimidating, since I’m not usually that precise in that aspect. Anything involving cutting and folding isn’t my strong-suit. It was helpful that we scored each spread before folding them, but I still think I wasn’t great at that either. I pressed too hard one time and ripped my score line, so I had to reprint one of my spreads. On the topic of reprinting spreads, I had to print three copies of a DIFFERENT spread because there weren’t any top bleeds. The image got bumped down, and it didn’t match up with the other side of the page it was supposed to be next to, so I had to reprint them.

I also took forever to fold. I kept trying to match up the score line down the middle and it took me a few tries to get it in the right spot for each spread. The more I did it, the better I got, though.

I’m not the biggest fan of the production side of design, but I feel like it’s a vital part of the process, and I’ll need to do it wherever I work at.


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