When working on the portfolio campaign, I knew that making the book and deciding how big it was gonna be would be very difficult. I divided an 8.5″x11″ sheet of paper into 4 sections accounting for bleeds all the way around each page section. After making the document for my printer spread. I made my reader spread, with each page being the size of the section that I divided on the other document (with bleeds included). After making the book with the correct bleeds, each page would fit perfectly into its designated section in my printer spread.
My only issue was that instead of two pages on a sheet, I had to work with 4 pages on a sheet because my book was fairly small. I had to use a different printer spread compared to my magazine, and I couldn’t figure it out by myself. I had to ask Tony yesterday what order my pages would go in. For most of class I worked on exporting and placing each page into my spread and they fit perfectly into the right spots (obviously…I made sure they would)!
I also had to take my first ever exam in the Testing Center today, and it was a little scary. I left a little earlier than what I should because I thought I’d get lost trying to find it (I did not…It was right in front of the entrance I went in). I also had to lock all of my stuff up, which wasn’t terrible, but it caught me off guard a little bit. I had a tiny locker that barely fit my coat and backpack! It was my fault for bringing the backpack in not knowing there were computers provided in the testing center, though. My SOC 250 exam only took me half an hour and by the time I was finished I had plenty of time to mess around before any of my classes started!
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