I’ve been trying to import my blog posts for a while now, but whenever I tried to, I got a security warning from Google and I wasn’t able to do it. It just recently occurred to me that I can just turn off the security settings (which is exactly what I did). I have to remember to turn them back on because I don’t want to get a virus (especially because I use my laptop to watch movies). I’m excited to start building my website once I have my personal branding pieces finished!
I had to work yesterday and the day before, and my manager made me push carts both nights in a row. Supposedly this is because our new store manager wants the parking lot to be clean all the time. All of our cart pushers leave at 10:00, so after that, we have to find someone else to clean the lot… that person being me. My closing manager and my other coworkers that were closing with me both of my shifts all had some type of medical exemption, so I was the only one who could push carts without hurting myself. Sunday night sucked because I didn’t wear snowpants, and my legs were super cold after. I also didn’t get the parking lot fully cleaned because it was past 11:00 and there were still carts in the lot. Monday was a lot better because I had more time and there were less carts for me to put back (I also put on snowpants that were way too big for me). I’d get a few carts done at a time and go back inside to warm up and mess around for a while. I also got to listen to music without getting yelled at!
Overall, I give pushing carts a 7/10 because it was freezing.
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