I didn’t know what trapping was before doing the lesson on Layout class, and I thought it consisted of separating the colors of a design into separate layers to make it easier to print. In my head, I automatically assumed it was that for some reason. I made that assumption because of work. When making screens with a design that has more than one color. Each color for the design is printed on it’s own sheet and burned onto a separate screen. This makes sure that the ink colors don’t bleed together.
During the lesson, knocking stuff out was the closest thing to my original assumption. When screenprinting, all of the colors are essentially “knocked out” and we have to adjust the screens so there aren’t any gaps in the design where ink isn’t being printed.
I was really surprised about how rich black versus 100% black being printed on top of colors. I didn’t know that having one color underneath the 100% black would make that much of a difference when printing.