I remember saying that I was going to read every single night before I go to bed. I have not been doing that. The last time I picked up that book was Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were all late nights for me and I couldn’t squeeze in the time to read at all. Unfortunately there’s no real book update in this blog post. This is the only update I have.
Now for the more exciting part. I had last Friday off, so my friend and I decided to have a shopping day. Him and I were wanting to hang out, and I normally never have Fridays off, so this hangout planning was perfect. Him and I went to nearly every music store in the area for one specific CD. I have been on the hunt for Alice in Chains’ self titled CD since I first listened to it on Spotify. Two of my favorite songs are on that album, and I want to be able to listen to it in my car at a very loud volume. Normally, my car doesn’t play music that loud anymore because my bluetooth transmitter is old. My car’s full volume is equivalent to half that of a normal car.
I could just be a normal person and look for this CD online, but where’s the fun in that? I unfortunately didn’t find the CD I was looking for, but I found two CDs that are just as good! I found a Deftones CD and a Radiohead CD. Radiohead is one of my favorite bands, so I’m glad I finally have a CD from them in my collection!