I started reading my book on Tuesday, and I think I’m around 20 pages in. Nothing too interesting has happened in the book so far in my opinion. The guy in the book (I think his name was Charlie or Charles…I’m not sure) went to a new school when he was a little kid, and he was really quiet and dropped his hat on the floor all the time, so all the kids would laugh at him. The chapters I read also talked about his family, and his medical schooling. If I remember correctly, as an adult he worked at a hospital, and he started to develop feelings for one of his patients, but she died shortly afterwords. I’m not sure that my summary is 100% accurate, but I thought it’d be cheating if I looked it up before I typed all of this out.
That same night, I also decided to go back and play some Animal Crossing after a few months. I forgot that the color of the leaves and grass change during the seasons, so I was very surprised when I opened the game to find out everything was yellow. The last time I played, the grass was bright green! One of my villagers ended up moving out and quickly got replaced by another villager. Now I have one single wolf villager in my town full of cats. When I first made my town, I used my modded DS to edit my map and change all of my villagers, and I haven’t gotten around to changing them out again. Part of me wants to keep the one oddball in my town for fun. I already planted flowers around his house, so I think he’s staying.
When I was playing the game, I also found out that there’s a town Halloween event, so I’m thinking of playing tonight so I can see what it’s about (instead of going outside and doing actual things for Halloween). Playing for a little bit this week was really fun, and I hope I can find some free time to play it again soon!