This is a blog topic because it’s on MY blog and I’M the one who’s writing about it! I can write about a lot of things as long as they’re appropriate. Anyways…Let me start this incredibly funny story about how my life has been this past month.
When our campus had a fire drill, student housing had theirs the day after. I was walking home from my photography class and I hear the fire alarms beeping and everyone is standing outside of the apartments. Everyone was grouped together except for one person who was standing by himself. I was still confused as to what was going on, so I decided to approach him.
After some small talk, I found out he lives in the apartment directly across from mine. I was telling my roommates about this guy and they asked me “what’s his name?” and I had absolutely no idea. I couldn’t believe I forgot to ask this guy what his name was! After some pacing back and forth in my room, I decided to write him a note and give him my number because I thought he was cute.
The next morning, I get a text from a new number, and surprise! It was him! After that, we hung out a few times and got along really well. After talking for around three weeks, we started dating at the end of September. Now, this is where it starts to get good.
While we were dating, I asked him some questions about his last relationship. What I didn’t know is that he lied to me when he answered me initially. When I talked to him during the fire drill he recently got out of a relationship that lasted for over a year! I had no idea until yesterday!
I’m definitely disappointed because he lied to me, and I really started to like him, but I’d say it’s for the better. He wasn’t over his ex yet and I just happened to meet him at a bad time. This probably wasn’t the best topic for a blog post, but I needed to lay it all out and work through it. Anyways, I hope it was a semi-fun read!