Last Monday was my first day working at Grocott Ink and Thread as a screen printer! I’m liking it so far, but I’ve been super busy all week and it’ stressing me out a little bit. I only work there on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but I also work at my other job on Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays. Mondays and Wednesdays are both full days for and I don’t have any time to get my homework done on those days so I have to manage my time super well.
Other than that, everyone is really nice and I like working with them. I obviously haven’t done any projects on my own yet, and I don’t see myself doing any soon. Helping out with everything is a lot less overwhelming that doing entire projects.
Yesterday I heat pressed shirts for the two hours I was there, and it was really nice to turn by brain off for a while before I went to my other job. Walmart typically puts me in a bad mood, so I’m glad I got some time to relax earlier.
With having classes and two jobs, I have even less time to focus on my other hobbies. It’s a little upsetting, but I know I won’t be this busy forever! Only 8 weeks left of my extremely busy semester. I’m also looking forward to having a long weekend! I’m also going to a concert with my friends this Friday, so I have a pretty exciting week ahead of me!
Friday and Saturday I’ll be out of commission from concert preparation and post-concert tiredness, so I’ll definitely have to get most of my homework done beforehand. I’ll manage it, though!