My Abandoned Animal Crossing Town

Near the end of my second semester last year, I rekindled with my favorite game of all time. Over the summer, I’d try to play at least a few times a week, and I’d even post updates on my progress. Recently, however, I haven’t been playing as much.

With the limited amount of free time that I have, I typically nap or go on my phone for hours each day. Animal Crossing was more of an activity where I’d sit and play for a couple hours at a time, which is something I don’t have the time to do anymore.

It was still nice to pick the game back up as a hobby for a few months, but I have a lot of other things to focus on right now, which is unfortunate. Playing Animal Crossing was very relaxing, and I’m thinking of trying to start playing again!

I’ve also been thinking of going back to the library and reading again. I used to read all the time in middle/high school. Comparing my schedule now to the one I had two years ago, they aren’t that different, so I don’t know why I feel like I have significantly less free time now than I did back then.

Sometime when I have a whole day to myself I need to play again and see how everything’s been going after my long break!