Dentist Appointment + Job Interview

I hate going to the dentist. Not because I’m scared, but because it makes me frustrated. Ever since I moved to Sioux Falls, scheduling appointments has become a pain. I’m able to drive an hour and a half to make it to my appointment, but the number of openings has somehow gotten smaller. I’ve had this appointment scheduled for 6 months, as a result of my other appointment getting cancelled and needing to reschedule. The appointment itself was uncomfortable because I hate the feeling of cold air on my teeth and the tools scratching them. Now, at the end of this appointment, I scheduled another 6 month checkup…8 months away. My next appointment will be after I graduate.

Enough of me complaining about the dentist, I have other things to be happy about! I had a job interview today, and I think it went really well! Everyone on their team asked me questions, which was a little different, but I liked that I got to know everybody.

Speaking of interviews, my interview for my magazine is tomorrow and I’m very nervous. I know I’ll be glad to have got it done, though. I’m really excited to meet with Brooke! I’m also excited to get some photos. I hope everything goes well tomorrow!