Birthday Weekend + Palisades

The weekend of my 20th birthday wasn’t too extravagant, but I still enjoyed the time I spent at home with my family. I got to bring my cat home to meet my family’s cat (which went terribly). I also got a lot of the photos done for my scavenger hunt assignment. I only have two left, so I’ll knock those ones out on Monday before work.

I introduced my two cats, Alice and Pumpkin, and Alice was NOT having it. She started hissing at her, so Pumpkin was confined to the basement for the entire weekend. She found a way to get my bedroom door open, and she’d go up the stairs and sit by the back door looking out the window. I was outside with my mom when I saw her peeking out at us!

Earlier today I decided to go to The Palisades to get my blind composition assignment done, and I had a lot of fun! It was really peaceful since there wasn’t too many people when I was there. Walking and listening to the water was super relaxing, and I already want to go back! The weather was amazing so it was the perfect time to go.