I’ve been wanting some new ear piercings for a while, and I finally decided to get them when payday hit! My paycheck was larger than normal because I worked 40 hours + some overtime last week. The piercings were a fun treat after a terrible workweek (it wasn’t that awful..I just complain a lot).
I ended up getting my triples + my conch pierced. Surprisingly, my conch hurt the least. I’ve never gotten three piercings in one sitting before, but I think I handled it pretty well. The only downside is that I can’t sleep on my side for a while until my ears stop hurting.
In addition to that, my friend and I hung out and went on a shopping trip! Overall, I think I had a really good week! No blog post from last week was due to work and not feeling too well. I’m glad things are looking up a little since then! I’ve noticed I go into a mid to late July slump every single year.
My Animal Crossing town is progressing very slow. I don’t visit as much anymore, but I try to play at least once a week so check how everything’s doing. I haven’t made anything with my software in a while either. I haven’t thought of anything I genuinely want to make as of right now. Work has made me a little burnt out, so I’m glad classes will start soon and I’ll work less hours.
July was a pretty bland month for me, and I didn’t do much of anything, but I’m hoping to make August a little more interesting!