After being sick for most of the week, I finally had enough energy this weekend to start working on a project I thought of. I wanted to create an imaginary nail salon and design a price menu and punch card. My fake salon was called “Diamond Nails”. I haven’t made a lot of design projects this summer, but I’m trying not to be too hard on myself over it. I don’t have as much free time to design anything, and I don’t always feel like making anything with the time I have. I think of a lot of ideas for projects, but most of my ideas don’t reach my software.

My roommate and I also made insence holders out of clay! I made mine with Pumpkin’s paw print stamped on it. It took a few tries to get the perfect paw print, though. We also had to trim her claws which was a struggle.
My Animal Crossing town has also made a lot of progress! The police station was built, one of the stores on main street expanded, and a new hair salon opened! I also did a tiny bit of landscaping and planted different flowers around each villager’s house.

I had a pretty fun and productive week, and I hope I can do the same next week!