Since I moved apartments last month, I wanted to decorate my new space. I wanted to cover one of my walls with posters, but I didn’t want to spent $5-10+ per poster. I went on the FedEx website because you can order prints for less than a dollar each. I went on Pinterest and found what I wanted to have printed out, and made sure the resolution was high enough for print. To make saving all of my images easier, I made a new photoshop sequence so I could save my posters faster. Once my images were CMYK and 300ppi, I uploaded my images. I ordered 13 small posters for $13!
A few days ago, I got a call from an unknown number. Before I called back, I searched the number. It was the FedEx office where I was supposed to pick up my print order. Weird, right? I called back and apparently, they didn’t receive my order as soon as I placed it. They got my order a couple days late, and none of the files showed up on my order! I could either refund my order, or go to the office and give them my files.
I didn’t have work yesterday, so I stopped by the office with my files on an SD card. I was originally supposed to pick up my order that day, but due to unfortunate circumstances, I had to change my plans. I thought they’d print my files right away, but I had to wait until this morning to pick them up.
As soon as I got up this morning, I went to pick up my order. Once I picked it up I immediately got to putting them up on my wall. I already have some posters on my wall, but they don’t cover the entire space. I trimmed the posters up and now almost my whole wall is covered! It took a while to rearrange my wall, but I really like how it looks!
I’ve also started designing a few bumper stickers. I know it would be better if I made projects that were a little more practical, but I’m just glad I’m not in a creative block anymore. I’m slowly thinking of more and more ideas!